Our laboratory offers a full service :
  • Development of formulations according to
    your specifications,
  • Sampling
  • Compatibility tests, ageing tests
  • Technical assistance and help to comply with all legal requirements
    > (TDS, REACH, Labelling, Transport, Security…)
  • Quality control of the manufactured products

  • Our quality system ISO 9001 : 2015 certified by Bureau Veritas guarantees full traceability.

  • Our control tools (Karl Fisher titrator, density meter, Pensky Martens flash point tester, heated circulating bath, manometer, controller crimping tools, laboratory ovens…) ensure optimum manufacturing processes and constant quality.
Our aerosols are in compliance with prevailing regulations and requirements regarding the packaging and the launching of aerosol dispensers.
  • Specifications according to the Candles & Fragrances standard - ECOCERT
  • ADR legislation for the transport of hazardous materials updated version of January 1st. 2017.
  • Regulation (UE) N°528/2012 of 22/05/12 about marketing authorization and use of biocidal products.
  • Directive 75/324/CE of 20/05/75 and its amendments concerning the approximation of the legislation of the Members States about aerosol dispensers.
  • Regulation (CE) N°1907/2006 of the European Parliament and Council dated December 18th.  2006 for the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals, as well as the limitation prevailing for these chemicals (REACH) through the creation of a European Agency of Chemical Products.
  • Regulation (CE) N° 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and Council dated December 16th 2008 for the registration, the labelling and the packaging of substances and modifying and cancelling the orders 67/548/CEE and 1999/45/CE and modifying the regulation (CE) N° 1907/2006.
A safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods has been registered at the prefecture according to the law.
The technical data sheets of our « AEROLUB standard range » are available from our website at the product page.

The MSDS (security data sheets) of our « AEROLUB standard range » are available from this webpage : www.quickfds.com.
You need a password to access the page. On request we provide you with the information sheet (explanations how to process).

The MSDS are established and updated in accordance with the Regulation (UE) N°2015/830 of 28/05/15 amending appendix 2 of the regulation 1907/2006.

© AEROLUB 2009 - All rights reserved- Conception & Realisation : www.dbwebconcept.fr